Friday, February 5, 2010

Is the Titanic really haunted? Is it true that ghostly sounds have been heard by people who visited the ship?

That is something that might be hard to prove. I have heard the same thing being said about the Andrea Doria being haunted as well as various accidents happening to divers who went down to the Andrea Doria. As for the Titanic, good question, but can it be proven. Not every body was recovered from that wreck and still to this day, a lot of questions remain unanswered about the night

of April 14th, 1912. There is even a photograph that shows two

shoes or boots facing opposite ways, who belonged to those

shoes or boots and was there body with them? Questions that

remain unanswered about that ship to this day.Is the Titanic really haunted? Is it true that ghostly sounds have been heard by people who visited the ship?
Yes it is. And Jack and Rose can be seen descending the staircase, going into the ballroom. The rest of the DEAD people can be seen drinking and dancing like there's no tomorrow. But it can only be seen and heard when the sun is at a 45 degree angle over the horizon.Is the Titanic really haunted? Is it true that ghostly sounds have been heard by people who visited the ship?
well lets correct things

sound does travel very well under water

but your talking about a ship thats siting nearly 3 miles down with enough pressure to crush it.

your going to get noises in the water.
YOU KILLING ME! I guess that would have to be asked of the people who actually were on the Titanic for its maiden voyage. Maybe they heard ghostly sounds.......the world may never know... LOL
right-with all of the atlantic ocean surrounding it, duh there would be sounds!!! Just not hauntings one's been in it. The closest they come are tiny submersibles and a bunch of remote controlled robots. Your source seems to have a great imagination, but not a lot of substance.
if anyone is 'visiting' then they ARE the
I doubt it, as the ship lies on the bottom of the Atlantic and few divers have been there, also, it's very hard to hear underwater when you're wearing diving gear!

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