Friday, February 5, 2010

What are some personal ';true'; haunted/ paranormal events that have happened to you?

haloween is coming , and nothing is scarier than true story events. lets have em'What are some personal ';true'; haunted/ paranormal events that have happened to you?
I've experienced quite a lot but i'll just tell the one that actually had witnesses too. It doesn't really sound that scary but if you where there it was. I was sitting on my bed and there was this cardboard box beside my bed. It started vibrating and shaking. This was at night, there was no cars on the road,no washing machine etc. Well it shook for about 10 minutes. I tested if it was weight being shifted on the floorboards although i was on the bed when it started. Didn't make a difference still was moving. I told my sister after 10 minutes that it was moving (she doesn't like to know if anything happens to me). She seen it, i called my dad through to see it and check that there was nothing in the box like a mouse or rat or something. He checked there was nothing in it, yet it was still moving. It eventually stopped after about 15 minutes in total. My dad is a bit of a skeptic but he couldn't explain it and it scared him XD Lol i've also seen two ghosts, witnessed a tv airel hit my sister by flying on its own through the air, seen lights, been pushed, touched and seen dogs that weren't there. What are some personal ';true'; haunted/ paranormal events that have happened to you?
i have a ghost named jim in my home! he is keeping me compnay while my husband is gone. he told me his name, then walked out of my room. he also taps me on the shoulder when he wants me to focus on him, he chases my cats, and hides my tools when i put them down, in different places of the house.

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